The 4rth Investment Board Meeting: On November 16,
MoIC minister Ajmal Ahmady chaired the fourth investment board meeting at the MoIC and signed two MOUs with Kabul and Kateb Universities on supporting entrepreneurs in making a business plan and a competition plan. In addition, he discussed facilities brought in ACBR, Afghanistan’s participation in Dubai 2020, investment opportunities in Slaughterhouses, the updates on plot distribution in IPs with four completed projects in Kandahar, Wardak, Herat, and Kabul, and the start of new projects in Parwan and Khost Provinces. During the meeting, Mr. Ahmady recommended to ease closing process of a business, establishment of incubation centers in Kabul & provinces, participating at Dubai expo in 2020, investment in slaughterhouses and IPs should be prioritized based on demand and economic efficiency.