General Directorate of Trade Policy is responsible to develop strategy, roadmap, and benchmarks to improve trade balance of Afghanistan.
Besides,pursues increasing exports, international transit system and corridors,conducts analytical researches, studies and develops efficient trade policies and policy recommendations,and overall efforts of this unit is aimed to enhance Afghanistan’s participation in global trading system.
The vision is to have modern & internationally competitive industries. Our core function is to build infrastructure at industrial parks and develop policies, benchmarks, and procedures for industrialization of the following sectors: 1 primary sector, 2 light industries, and 3 heavy industries.
We welcome both national and international investors, to look at investment opportunities across Afghanistan, we have enabled environment to accommodate huge investments, creating a protected and favorable environment for investors with flat corporate tax rate, 100% foreign ownership and no restriction on capital repatriation, minimum tariff to import raw material.
Latest announcementsAll announcements
Announcement of the Schedule of National and International Exhibitions in Turkmenistan
The schedule of national and international exhibitions and conferences planed to take place in Turkmenistan during 2025, has been received by the Ministry of Industry and Commerce.
I . . .
Halal International Expo 2024 – Istanbul
Halal International Expo 2024 - Istanbul, is going to be held in Istanbul city of Turkey from November 27 to 30, 2024.
The participation packages are as below:
The price for package . . .
Latest newsAll News
Acting Minister of Industry and Commerce Meets with Pakistan’s Special Representative
The Acting Minister of Industry and Commerce of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan honorable Mr. Alhaj Nooruddin Azizi, met with Special Representative of the Islamic Republic
A Session Titled "Sustainable Development and Supporting Economic Programs in Panjshir Province" Held
A meeting titled Sustainable Development and Supporting Economic Programs in Panjshir Province was held. The meeting chaired by Acting
MoIC Signs MoUs with 15 NGOs to Support Entrepreneurial Sector
Acting Minister of Industry and Commerce honorable Mr. Alhaj Nooruddin Azizi, Signed Memorandum of Understanding with
VacanciesAll available vacancies
اعلان کاریابی بست های شورای حکمیت سارک SARCO
ریاست همکاری های منطقه یی وزارت امور خارجه ذریعه مکتوب شماره 605 مورخ 1400.4.20 خویش جنین نگاشته است: سکرتریت سازمان سارک طی یاداشت مورخ 6 جولای 2021 خویش اعلان کاریابی برای پست های:
senior Research Analyst
The Ministry of Commerce and Industry of the Islamic Government of Afghanistan is a pivotal institution vested with the power and responsibility of planning, regulating . . .
Policy Analyst
The Ministry of Commerce and Industry of the Islamic Government of Afghanistan is a pivotal institution vested with the power and responsibility of planning, regulating and . . .
Latest tendersAll available tenders
Invitation for Bids Design of Pavilion expo 2020 Dubai,
Islamic Republic of Afghanistan 1-Ministry of Industry and Commerce (MOIC) Kabul, Afghanistan International Competitive Bidding (ICB)
Feasibility study of industrial parks in Ghazni, Nimruz , Takhar and Laghman Provinces.
Procuring Entity Ministry of industry and commerce ( MOIC) Budget code AFG-250157 Project Name Feasibility study of industrial parks in Ghazni, Nimruz , Takhar and Laghman Provinces. . . .
Marketing promotional material for Afghanistan Exporting products
Request for Expression of Interest Procuring Entity: Ministry of Industry and Commerce (MOIC) Name of the Project: Marketing promotional material for Afghanistan Exporting products Ref . . .