
Profile of Haji Nooruddin Azizi, Minister of Commerce and Industry

Haji Nooruddin Azizi, son of Alhaj Gulbuddin Azizi, was born in Dasht-e-Rewat village, Khenj district, Panjshir province in a religious, influential, and business family. Mr. Azizi started his education in Dasht-e-Rewat and completed his education in Zabihullah Shaheed in Kabul. In addition to national languages of Farsi and Pashto, Mr. Azizi is well versed in Arabic, English and Urdu languages. Mr. Azizi has at least Three (3) decades of experience in Trade, Business, and Mining in national and international levels.

During the invasion of the Soviet Union the Azizi family took crucial part in defending the Afghan sovereignty and simultaneously engaged in trade as a means of earning a living, while also extending helping hands towards Afghan Refugees outside Afghanistan.

Mr. Azizi and his family provided work opportunities and played a significant role in the Islamic education by creating educational institutions for the Afghan immigrant children.

Mr. Azizi's Work history and expereince:

Establishment of Zia-ul-Madaris for Islamic teachings for the Afghan Refugees.

Establishment of Hudaibi High School for modern education of Afghan Refugees

Executing international trade agreements.

Establishment of commercial offices in Brazil, Thailand, Pakistan, United States, India, China, United Arab Emirates,

Zimbabwe, Nigeria, Tajikistan, Ethiopia, Hong Kong and European countries.

Along with his extensive experience in business, industry, trade, mines, and other similar activities, Mr. Azizi has worked closely with trade unions in various sectors to promote mining and technical extraction methods of raw materials, commercial growth, and have played a vital and constructive role in the country's private sector.