
Vision, goals, sectors and Tashkeel of the following directorates: (1) GD Industries, (2) Heavy Industries Directorate, (3) Light Industry Directorate, and (4) Primary Sector.

Based on new Tashkeel, MoIC has created a new GD of industries. The GD is located under DM PSD & Industries. It has the following 3 directorates: (1) primary sector, (2) light industries, and (3) heavy industries. The vision is to have modern industries, increase domestic production, and provide sustained manufacturing competitiveness.  

First, the vision of heavy industries directorate is to have a modern heavy industry. Following are the main goals of DHI: (1) establish strong coordination with private sector, (2) improve current process of licenses and remove binding constraints to facilitate private firms’ entry into heavy industry, (3) strengthening the capacity of existing & emerging heavy industries, (4) develop strategy policies, procedures and bench marks for industrialization of heavy industries, and (5) standardizing domestic manufacturers of heavy industries.

Secondly, the vision of light industries directorate is to have a high level qualities industry. The main goals of DLI are to establish strong coordination with private sector, strengthening the capacity of existing & emerging light industries, develop strategy policies, procedures and bench marks, and standardize the domestic manufacturers of light industries.

Finally, the Vision of primary sector is to develop and implement strategies for the development of primary industries throughout Afghanistan. The main goals of DPI are: developing and annually updating the primary industry development strategy, writing of policy papers on primary industry development approaches and development models, conduct technical analysis of primary industrial companies, develop metrics and database for the primary industries with all proper data, playing the role of central point among primary industrial companies in Afghanistan and record issues and finding solutions through advocacy with other related departments and partners.