Media Gallery


The speech of the leader of the Ministry of Industry and Commerce in the investment call program in Afghanistan.

Kamal Khan 2021

د آبادی پر لور

Achievements of the fiscal year 1399 (Industry)

Achievements of fiscal year 1399 (trade)

Value and Amount of Cotton exports in the fiscal year 1398

Value and amount of Hong plant (Ferula asafetida) exports in fiscal year 1398

Value and Amount of exports in the fiscal year 1398

Value and Amount of Saffron exports in the fiscal year 1398

Cumin Exports in the last three years

Uzbekistan extends its Trade-Transit and economic cooperation with Afghanistan

Pine-Nuts Exports Balance

Speech Delivery of Minister of Industry and Commerce in the Seventh Women Made Exhibition Opening

Inauguration of the Seventh Afghanistan Women Made Exhibition by Minister of Industry and Commerce.

Video conference of Acting Minister of Industry and Commerce with Charge De Affairs of United States in Kabul
