A Consulting Meeting with Representatives of Private Sector is Held

Date: 3 September 2024
Following the inauguration of the Termez International Trade Center, a consulting meeting regarding effective utilization of the said trade center, has been held today. The Meeting chaired by Acting Minister of Industry and Commerce, honorable Mr. Alhaj Nooruddin Azizi, and attended by representatives from private sector.
At the meeting the Termez International Trade Center has been considered significantly vital for the country's interests by the representatives of private sector. Additionally, they thanked the leadership of the Ministry for their efforts on providing facilities and streamlining business and investment procedures. They bought up their ideas and suggestions about effective utilization of the aforementioned trade center.
Mr. Alhaj Azizi, noted the Termez International Trade Center, efficacious for process, packaging of exporting goods, and obviation of the country's needs, stating, that the traders and investors are being introduced to the mentioned center via the Ministry of Industry and Commerce.
During the meeting, the Acting Minister of Industry and Commerce stressing on retaining the prestige and reliability of the exporting goods of the country, requested the exporters to keep in mind the standards of the aimed countries when exporting goods to abroad, so that the exports of Afghanistan keep strongly continuing.
In the end, 5 individuals including the representatives from sectorial chambers and the union of Carpet Manufacturers & Exporters, have been selected as coordinators to talk with the governor of Balkh province in this regard.