Ministry of Industry and Commerce Stress on Transparent and Fair Revenue Collection

Mon, Sep 16 2024 8:50 AM
Ministry of Industry and Commerce Stress on Transparent and Fair Revenue Collection

Date: 15 September 2024

A meeting to strengthen collaboration in the area of revenue collection and the establishment of a joint monitoring team for revenue collection at the Ministry of Industry and Commerce was held. The meeting chaired by the Deputy Minister of Industry and Commerce Honorable Mr. Mawlawi Ahmadullah Zahid, in which general directors of trade affairs and industrial parks of the ministry, the honorable deputy of the General Revenue D irectorate of Ministry of Finance, along with other directors and technical team of the Ministry of Finance also participated.

During the meeting, discussions held regarding the strengthening of bilateral collaboration between the two institutions, the revenue generating sources of the ministry, and the challenges and issues in the process of revenue collection.

The Deputy Minister of Industry and Commerce Mr. Mawlawi Ahmadullah Zahid, stressing on transparent and fair collection of revenues, stated: We have plans to increase the country's revenues and will make useful utilization of the advices from the honorable Ministry of Finance pertaining to revenue collection, whereas also collaborating in the implementation of the said ministry's programs.

In the end, agreement was made on the formation of a joint team to monitor the revenue collection process of the Ministry of Industry and Commerce.

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