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Thu, Apr 22 2021 11:17 AM
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Inspection of the food market by the Ministry of Industry and Commerce in Kabul and Herat provinces

Commission for the prevention of production, import and supply of poor, expired and counterfeit goods with the participation of government organizations and the private sector under the. . .

Thu, Apr 22 2021 11:04 AM
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A meeting was held to solve the problems of the Barikaab Industrial-Agricultural Park project

Parwan- Meeting to solve social-environmental problems of Barikaab Industrial-Agricultural Park project with the presence of H.E Nisar Ahmad Ghoryani Minister of Industry and Commerce,. . .

Thu, Apr 22 2021 10:42 AM
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Inauguration of Amir Ali Shir Nawaye Industrial Park Road Infrastructure Construction Project in Balkh Province

The infrastructure construction project of Amir Ali Shir Nawaye Industrial Park in Balkh province was inaugurated with the presence of Balkh Deputy Governors

Thu, Apr 22 2021 10:15 AM
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Deputy Minister of Industry and Commerce Meets with GIZ officials

Mr. Mohammad Sulaiman Binshah, Deputy Minister of Industry and Commerce of the Ministry of Industry and Commerce, met with the GIZ officials

Thu, Apr 22 2021 10:09 AM
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Minister of Industry and Commerce Meets with the Fruit and Vegetable Traders Union

H.E Nisar Ahmad Ghoryani Minister of Industry and Commerce met with the leadership of the Fruit and Vegetable Traders' Union and discussed the problems of fruit and vegetable traders.

Thu, Apr 22 2021 9:50 AM
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Investment Increment in Afghan Rice Production Plant

The Afghan Rice Plant, located in the Sheikh Misri Industrial Park in Nangarhar Province, has increased its investment in production, processing, packaging, and machinery.

Wed, Apr 14 2021 9:04 AM
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Providing facilities to increase the export of Ferula asafetida plant to India

The first online consultative meeting on addressing the problems and providing the necessary facilities for the process of exporting the Afghan Ferula asafetida plant to India by the. . .

Wed, Apr 14 2021 8:51 AM
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Afghanistan Saffron Promotion Conference

Trade Attaché in Mumbai-based Center held an online conference to promote Afghan saffron and trade connection between Afghan and Indian businessmen in cooperation

Mon, Apr 12 2021 3:23 PM
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Investment Increment in the Honey Bee sector in Nangarhar province

Private investors have invested more than 50 million Afghanis in the beekeeping sector in 500 small, medium and large beekeeping farms in Nangarhar province, which are currently. . .
