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Sun, Jul 26 2020 5:02 PM
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More of Lands will be Given to the Industrial-Parks

Honored Mr. Abdul Karim Malikyar Acting Deputy Minister for Industry and Commerce has met with Mr. Mahmoud Karzai, Acting Minister of Urban Development and

Tue, Jul 21 2020 12:03 PM
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A meeting was held to create one stop shop database system for the licensing unit

In order to fully implement the decree of the President, a meeting was held to create a single licenses database system of ministries and sectoral departments as

Wed, Jul 15 2020 11:57 AM
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The role of Ministry of Industry and Commerce in linking the normalization of Trade and Transit between Afghanistan and Pakistan

Following the outbreak of the (COVID-19) epidemic, countries around the world took urgent precautionary measures to prevent the spread of the (COVID-19) epidemic, which brought trade. . .

Wed, Jul 15 2020 11:46 AM
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Land Distribution for 19 Industrial-Production Companies

Memorandum of Understanding for the sale of 40 jeribs of land with 19 industrial-production companies in Bagh-e-Samawat industrial parks of Khost province,

Wed, Jul 15 2020 11:28 AM
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Ministry of Industry and Commerce Spends 82 million Afghanis in Amir Alisher Nawaye 2nd Phase Industrial Park

This morning, Mr. Arash Yonusi, Head of the Balkh Chamber of Commerce and Investment, and Mr. Haji Mohammad Yasin Akbari, Head of the Chamber of Industries

Thu, Jul 02 2020 9:39 AM
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Signing a trilateral memorandum of understanding to support women entrepreneur’s activities for growth

On June, 25, 2020 honored Mr. Abdul Karim Malikyar Acting Deputy Minister for Industry and Commerce, respected Ms. Afsana Rahimi Head of leadership board of Afghanistan women chamber
