A Consultative Meeting Is Held on Trade and Transit Issues of Afghanistan with Neighboring and Regional Countries

Sun, Sep 15 2024 8:57 AM
A Consultative Meeting Is Held on Trade and Transit Issues of Afghanistan with Neighboring and Regional Countries

Date: 15 September 2024

A huge consultative meeting regarding trade and transit matters of Afghanistan with neighboring and regional countries chaired by Acting Minister of Industry and Commerce honorable Mr. Alhaj Nooruddin Azizi, was held, with the presence of Deputy Minister of Industry and Commerce respected Mr. Mawlawi Ahmadullah Zahid, senior members of the private sector, and members of sectorial chambers at the main hall of the ministry.

During this meeting, discussions were made regarding the imposing of  2% tariff on Afghanistan  exporting goods passing through Islamic Republic of Pakistan to India, the role of the Afghan - Pak Joint Chamber for improving trade ties between Afghanistan and Pakistan, the establishment of a joint committee to seek fundamental solutions, and the creation of a private sector committee to negotiate with tribes on the other side of Torkham  concerning the 2% tariff.

Further, in this meeting, consultations were held with the esteemed members of sectorial chambers regarding the increasing of tariffs on imported fruits.

The participants shared their technical opinions and suggestions on the aforementioned topics with the ministry's leadership.

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