Inauguration of the industrial exhibition on the occasion of New Solar Year

Tue, Mar 30 2021 1:20 PM
Inauguration of the industrial exhibition on the occasion of New Solar Year

March 24, 2021

The industrial exhibition was inaugurated on the occasion of the beginning of the 1400 solar year and the celebration of Nowruz with the presence of Mr. Mohammad Taher Zuhair, Acting Minister of Information and Culture, General Director of policy and trade services, industrial parks and industrial affairs, administrative and financial affairs of the Ministry of Industry and Commerce.

In this exhibition, industrialists and business women have exhibited their products in 120 booths in different sectors.

On the other hand, in the celebration of the ancient celebration of Nowruz, which was held in Chehelston Palace, the speakers emphasized the empathy and cultural, economic and trade development of the country, besides athletes and the circus group of girls performed various sports shows.

Ministry of Industry and Commerce on the occasion of the beginning of the 1400 solar year, with the aim of introducing and supporting domestic production, has set up industrial expos in the provinces of the country, and in order to market the country's products, the ministry plans to hold several expos inside and outside the country.

It should be noted that, this exhibition is open to visitors for three days.

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