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Sat, Jun 26 2021 8:54 AM
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The Growth and Prosperity of Afghanistan's Aviation Industry

Kam Air, which has been operating in Afghanistan for almost two decades by one of the proud businessmen of Afghanistan, Mr. Zamari Kamgar, has been proud to host the visit of His. . .

Sat, Jun 26 2021 8:45 AM
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Holding a meeting to review the increase in oxygen production

Meeting on increasing oxygen production plants in Kabul industrial parks chaired by Mr. Sayed Mohsen Sadat, Director General of Industrial Parks and Industries of the Ministry of. . .

Thu, Jun 24 2021 8:37 AM
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Donation of 10 thousand oxygen capsules to COVID-19 Patients

Following a request from the Minister of Industry and Commerce, Mr. Nisar Ahmad Ghoryani, to national businessmen to assist in providing the oxygen needed at COVID-19 hospitals in. . .

Thu, Jun 24 2021 7:58 AM
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Increase in the Carbonated Beverages Production in Khost province

A plant in Khost province has increased the production of carbonated beverages.

Thu, Jun 24 2021 7:51 AM
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Holding a consultation meeting on amending the APTTA agreement in Khost province

A consultative meeting on the amendment of the Afghanistan-Pakistan Transit-Trade Agreement (APTTA) was held online with the presence of Mr. Mohammad Sulaiman Binshah

Thu, Jun 24 2021 7:45 AM
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Production of more than 80 types of paints in Herat province

Afghan Faizi production plant, with an initial investment of $ 1 million, produces more than 80 types of paints.

Tue, Jun 22 2021 9:40 AM
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Inspecting Oxygen Status and Availability in Kabul

Hoarding Prevention Committee of the Ministry of Industry and Commerce and government institutions members of this committee to ensure the availability of oxygen to consumers

Tue, Jun 22 2021 9:27 AM
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Increase in Oxygen Production Level in Herat province

Arghawan Herai Oxygen Production Plant in Herat Province has increased its production level.

Tue, Jun 22 2021 9:20 AM
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Inauguration of the One-Stop-Shop Center for Documenting Export Products in Nangarhar

The One-Stop-Shop Center of documenting export products was inaugurated with the presence of Mr. Mohammad Sulaiman Binshah, Deputy Minister of Industry and Commerce
