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Tue, Dec 08 2020 8:20 PM
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The Health Center in Shurandam Industrial-Park in Kandahar Province is ready for utilization

The Ministry of Industry and Commerce has built a comprehensive health center for workers and residents of the Shurandam Industrial-Park in Kandahar province at a cost of 3 million. . .

Sun, Dec 06 2020 10:00 AM
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The 2nd Meeting of the Executive Committee on Private Sector Development (PriSEC) Working Group

The 2nd meeting of the fourth Working Group of Executive Committee on Private Sector Development (PriSEC) was held under the chairmanship of Ministry

Thu, Dec 03 2020 4:52 PM
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Preparations for the 8th round Meeting of the Afghanistan-Pakistan Transit-Trade Coordination Authority Agreement (APTTCA)

The Preparation for the 8th round Meeting of the Afghanistan-Pakistan Transit-Trade Coordination Authority Agreement (APTTCA) was held with the participate of sectoral

Wed, Dec 02 2020 8:00 PM
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The first shipment of Iranian commercial goods entered Herat province by Rail

Herat-Khaf Railway: First trial shipment of goods arrives today through the railway line in Herat. This shipment has imported 400 tons of cement through Herat-Khaf Railway to. . .

Wed, Dec 02 2020 7:56 PM
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Uzbekistan extends its Trade-Transit and economic cooperation with Afghanistan

An online conference which was held between the Ministry of Industry and Commerce of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, the Ministry of Investment and Foreign Trade of Republic of. . .

Tue, Dec 01 2020 6:08 PM
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Emphasis on regulating the loading of high-tonnage vehicles with regional standards

A Joint meeting of the Ministries of Industry and Commerce, Public Welfare, Transport and Chambers of Trade and Investment of Afghanistan, Chamber of Trade and Investment of Balkh,. . .

Sat, Nov 28 2020 5:31 PM
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Growth in Pomegranate Harvest Products in Kandahar Province

With the growth in pomegranate harvest in Kandahar province, the factories that produce pomegranate juice, has increased their level of products.

Sat, Nov 28 2020 5:23 PM
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Towards Self-Sufficiency

Etemad Solar Power Plant started its activity in 2018, first Phase of Herat Industrial Park. This plant, which is the first solar panel power plant in Afghanistan, is able to produce. . .

Thu, Nov 26 2020 5:27 PM
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Celebrating International Day of Fight Violence Against Women

KABUL- Ministry of Industry and Commerce celebrated the International Day of Fight violence against women with the presence of H.E Minister of Industry and Commerce and female employees. . .
