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Sat, May 22 2021 1:30 PM
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Investment Increment in agricultural machinery production

Javid Afghan Agricultural Machinery Production Plant in Nangarhar province has increased its investment.

Sat, May 22 2021 1:21 PM
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Minister of Industry and Commerce Visits Looker Industrial Company in Pul-e-Charkhi Industrial Park

Mr. Nisar Ahmad Ghoryani, Minister of Industry and Commerce visited Looker Industrial Company, a producer of various types of baby diapers, in Kabul's Pul-e-Charkhi Industrial Park

Wed, May 19 2021 8:19 AM
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Minister of Industry and Commerce emphasizes the use of domestic products

Mr. Nisar Ahmad Ghoryani Minister of Industry and Commerce, who spoke at the ministry's press conference on the occasion of the beginning of the industry week

Wed, May 19 2021 8:10 AM
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Deputy Minister of Industry and Commerce visits the disposable paper plant

Mr. Mohammad Sulaiman Binshah, Deputy Minister of Industry and Commerce, visited the Golzi International disposable paper production plant in Kabul's Pul-e-Charkhi Industrial Park

Wed, May 19 2021 8:01 AM
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Exhibition in Bamyan Province

A three-day exhibition was held in Bamyan province on the occasion of Eid al-Fitr and in support of Industry Week.

Tue, May 18 2021 8:45 AM
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Operation of three production plants worth 10 million US dollars in Herat province

Three production plants with several separate production lines in the industrial park of Herat province were inaugurated and put into operation

Wed, May 12 2021 10:03 AM
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Coordination Meeting of the Government-Private Sector's visit to the Republic of Tajikistan

The coordination online meeting of the Government-Private Sector Delegation of the IR of Afghanistan to the Republic of Tajikistan was held under the chairmanship of Mr. Nisar Ahmad. . .

Wed, May 12 2021 9:57 AM
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Reopening of ice plant in Laghman province

An ice plant in Laghman province has resumed operations.

Wed, May 12 2021 9:49 AM
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Investment Increment in the marble sector in Maidan Wardak Province

A marble production and processing plant in Maidan Wardak province has increased its investment to $500.000.
