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Thu, Oct 22 2020 7:23 PM
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Meeting on the Supreme Council of Spinzar Kunduz and Balkh Vegetable Oil Enterprises

Meeting of the Supreme Council of Kunduz Spinzar Enterprise and Balkh Cotton and Vegetable Oil Enterprise was held under the chairmanship of Respected Mr. Nisar Ahmad Ghoryani Acting. . .

Wed, Oct 21 2020 2:43 PM
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Milk and dairy production has increased in Kandahar province

Milko Milk Processing and Packaging Factory in Shurandam Industrial Park of Kandahar Province has been operating for several years and now the production line of this

Wed, Oct 21 2020 1:54 PM
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Women Handicrafts Exhibition in Faryab Province

An exhibition of handicrafts made by women entrepreneurs was held on the occasion of the Uzbek Language National Day in Maimana, Faryab province.

Tue, Oct 20 2020 2:51 PM
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Ukraine is Interested to Invest in Afghanistan

Honored Mr. Nisar Ahmad Ghoryani Acting Minister of Industry and Commerce met with the leadership of the Ukraine Chamber of Commerce and Industry and a number of major Ukrainian

Mon, Oct 19 2020 2:54 PM
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The Takhar Women Handicrafts Exhibition was Launched

Exquisite handicrafts, made by women entrepreneurs in Takhar province were exhibited to encourage and support their production activities.

Mon, Oct 19 2020 2:50 PM
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The Acting Minister of Industry and Commerce met with the Ambassador of Ukraine

Honored Mr. Nisar Ahmad Ghoryani Acting Minister of Industry and Commerce met with Mr. Vasyl M. Servatiuk, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Ukraine to the

Sun, Oct 18 2020 3:04 PM
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The first-ever Pistachio Processing and Packing Plant Started in Badghis Province

The first ever Pistachio Processing and Packing Plant started in Qala E New city of Badghis Province with the participate of government officials and private sector, this plant started. . .

Sun, Oct 18 2020 11:06 AM
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Visit of Acting Minister of Industry and Commerce from (Our Country and, Our Product) Exhibition

Honored Mr. Nisar Ahmad Ghoryani Acting Minister of Industry and Commerce has visited the (Our Country and, Our Product) Exhibition.

Sat, Oct 17 2020 3:27 PM
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Trade and Transit Facilities between Afghanistan and Pakistan

A Meeting was held to facilitate trade and transit between Afghanistan and Pakistan with the participate of Government high-ranking officials and private sector, chaired by Honored Mr.. . .
