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Wed, Feb 03 2021 3:12 PM
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Increase in Chalk (Gypsum) Production in Nangarhar Province

Gypsum factories in Nangarhar province have increased their production levels. There are 14 gypsum factories operating with a total investment of $ 25 million in

Tue, Feb 02 2021 3:30 PM
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The first rice processing and packaging factory in Laghman province

The 1st rice processing and packaging factory started operating with a capital of 700 thousand US dollars in Laghman province.

Tue, Feb 02 2021 3:24 PM
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Increase in chickens’ production in Balkh province

Chicken factories in Balkh province have increased their production compared to the past and produces 500,000 chickens a month.

Mon, Feb 01 2021 3:59 PM
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Women's protection policy finalized

The policy of women protection, which has been prepared and arranged in the Ministry of Industry and Commerce, was finalized with the signature of H.E Nisar Ahmad Ghoryani

Mon, Feb 01 2021 3:42 PM
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Increase in the level of chicken grain production in Kandahar province

With the increase in investment in the chicken grain production sector, the level of production in Kandahar has increased in recent months.

Sat, Jan 30 2021 7:12 PM
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Holding the first Afghanistan saffron exhibition in Kabul

KABUL-The first exclusive Afghan saffron exhibition was held in Kabul with the participation of government officials, representatives of the private sector and saffron

Thu, Jan 28 2021 6:18 PM
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Meeting of the Leadership Board of Afghanistan Handicrafts Development Joint Stock Company

Meeting of the Leadership Board of Afghanistan Handicrafts Development Joint Stock Company was held under the chairmanship of H.E Nisar Ahmad Ghoryani, Minister of Industry

Thu, Jan 28 2021 9:25 AM
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Inauguration of the Business Improvement Working Group in Afghanistan

Afghanistan Improvement Working Group chaired by H.E Nisar Ahmad Ghoryani Minister of Industry and Commerce with the participation of representatives

Wed, Jan 27 2021 3:15 PM
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Infrastructure Construction of Mohammad Agha Industrial Park in Logar province has been completed

Construction of the basic infrastructure of 1st Phase of Mohammad Agha Industrial Park in Logar province, the 1st phase, covering about 280 acres of land with
